The Count Basie Theatre (The Basie) has made significant progress on its historic $23 million expansion project which will see the facility nearly double in size and become one of the region’s largest centers for the performing arts.

“The alignment of the Basie’s mission and our Foundation’s mission make this a perfect marriage and one that we hope to continue to build upon for many years to come.”

– Jay Grunin

The Grunin Foundation is a proud supporter of the Basie having invested $2 million to fund the creation of the Grunin Arts and Education Building, which will house studios, classrooms and administrative offices for the Basie’s growing arts education programs, as well as a second performance venue. We are confident the Basie’s expansion is sure to make a tremendous impact on the cultural and educational landscape of the Central Jersey Shore.

On Friday, August 9, we were honored to attend the Victory Garden dedication at American Legion Post 129. This garden is a true labor of love and will positively impact our veteran community by growing and offering our veterans free and nutritious food options that will improve their health and reduce the risk of chronic disease. The harvest from the garden will help supply the food pantry at Ocean County College for our veterans.

This was also a wonderful collaborative effort with partners including FulfillToms River Family Health & Support CoalitionOcean County College, Makers Club, Boy Scouts of America, Jersey Shore CouncilOcean County YMCAAmerican Legion Post 129 Legionnaires, The Riders, The Sons of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary.

We had the opportunity to see the Young Audiences Arts for Learning “Dance to Learn” finale today at Silver Bay Elementary. Each of the second-grade classes danced to a different theme (Ocean, Rain Forest, Safari, Jungle) and acted out elements of the theme using their own artistic interpretation through dance. They were able to show their parents and friends what they have been learning and practicing throughout the school year as part of the ARTS LAB program.

The Grunin Foundation is proud to partner with Young Audiences New Jersey & Eastern Pennsylvania, Dance To LearnSilver Bay Elementary and the Toms River Regional Schools to bring this incredible program to the students.