Let's Talk About Pragmatic Activism - Virtual Lunch and Learn

March 1, 2023

11:30:00 AM - 01:00:00 PM


Now is the time for supercharging our ability to make a positive impact in Ocean/Monmouth...and learn about an exciting Cohort opportunity!

After a very successful Pragmatic Activism Cohort Pilot in 2022, the Grunin Foundation, in collaboration with The People’s Lobbyist, is thrilled to offer our 2nd in-depth Pragmatic Activism Cohort for those who Live, Work, Worship, or Serve in Ocean and Monmouth Counties. The Cohort will allow for up to 30 members.

Join us for a Virtual Lunch and Learn and to learn about the Pragmatic Activism Cohort, the importance of advocacy in both the nonprofit and business sectors, and how you can get involved to create change in the community and the world. Guest speaker is Orville Morales, The People’s Lobbyist® who will also be facilitating the cohort.

To learn more about the cohort opportunity, visit: https://gruninfoundation.org/pragmatic-activism-cohort-spring-2023

About our Partners

The People's Lobbyist

We cannot change people we disagree with until we face them. We work with folks who consider themselves future-oriented individuals who care about their impact on the world and are willing to speak their minds through their presence at work, in their neighborhoods, and beyond. We are a consulting firm whose purpose is to inspire people to see how their actions have an impact on others. We do this by helping people and organizations maintain a long-term commitment toward the social good, ensuring they are part of the broader, more public dialogue around topics you care about, and allowing for nuance and complexity to conversations and debates.

This is why we developed a six-phase methodology called Pragmatic Activism, a strategic approach toward social change that allows for intentional and reasonable action that is sustainable over time.

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