August 21, 2024

01:00:00 PM - 02:30:00 PM


Informational webinar presented by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA)

The Grunin Foundation is hosting the webinar, A.R.T. - ACTIVATION, REVITALIZATION, AND TRANSFORMATION (A.R.T.) PROGRAM – PHASE II, presented by the New Jersey Economic Development Association (NJEDA).

The A.R.T. Phase II competitive grant program aims to catalyze community placemaking efforts by leveraging New Jersey’s arts and cultural sector as a creative force for change and supporting non-profit organizations focused on creating placemaking projects, public art installations, and arts-based activities and initiatives. With $15 million in funding, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority will award grants from $100,000 to $500,000 for projects located in 31 commercial corridors in municipalities across 12 counties throughout the state.

For eligible municipalities visit: njeda.gov/art-phase-ii/#eligibility-phase2. For more info: njeda.gov/art-phase-ii

WEBINAR PRESENTED BY: New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA)

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